Monday, March 8, 2010

The Wood County Museum

What a cool day we had at the Wood County Museum! We saw many things and learned how the local county took care of the poor during the early to mid 1800's. Not only did we see the Wood County's poor house, but also the lunatic asylum. When visityin these places what did your feell? What kind of feeling did you get when you entered the Lunatic asylum? What did you learn about the treatment of the poor and how is it different from your own country's treatment of the poor and the mentally infermed?


  1. When entering Wood County's poor house, I felt visiting the places which built 1800's. While being in the lunatic asylum, that place was spooky. In South Korea, there are some social welfare facilities that take care of the poor. Actually, I don't exactly know about the system of Korean social services. It's hard for me to compare these things.

  2. Thanks Ho Yon for your response. Hopefully the reading of the book, Ten Days in a Madhouse, will give you more insight in to how the United States handled the mentally ill at this time in history. So many things have changed as we have come to a better understanding that mental illness is not a terrible thing, but rather something that can be treated and in many cases, healed...Thanks again for you lovely response...

  3. when entering wood county's house which built in 1800's that gave me great feeling that they had good social services ,social life,and humanity.

  4. Our country is what americans would call a caring state. This means that workless/homeless people have the right to get some amount of money from the government to provide food and shelter for themselves. I think wood county was a great place for homeless people by providing food and shelter for them. The mad house was a great experience. Imagining how mentally ill people would've lived there gave me a weird feeling.

  5. First of all I would like to thank Randy Brown, our guide for that day, he did a great job!
    The first moment I walked I I thought about my Grandparents house, it almost felt the same. But as we went on it became clear to me that this was not just a normal house, but a guest house for the poor people.
    In my country we don't have those nice mansions to take care of the poor people. I think its just a condo where they hand out food and provide a bed for the homeless.
    The mad house was quit impressive because it was really small and dark. I couldn't last a day in there because I'm claustrophobic and don't want to be put behind bars. So I feel sorry for the people who used to live there.

  6. when entering wood county's house i thought this people unreasonable but when i saw this people so reasonable. I think this house good for any don't have money.

  7. It was a little scary watching those old pictures and hearing stories about ghosts in the same time.
    It was very interesting seeing all those old stuff too.
